Welcome to St. John Bible Institute!
Statement of Faith
We believe in …
1. The Holy Scriptures: Accepting fully the writings of both the Old and the New Testaments as the inerrant Word of God.
2. The One True God: Who is an intelligent, sovereign, spiritual and personal Being; perfect, infinite and eternal in His nature.
3. The Lord Jesus Christ: Who is the Second Person of the Triune God; the Eternal Word, and only begotten Son, that without any change to His Divine Person; He became man by the miracle of the virgin birth, thus to continue forever as both true God and true man, one person with two natures.
4. The Holy Spirit: Who is the Third Person of the Triune God, and the Divine agent in nature, revelation and redemption, enabling believers to live godly lives.
5. Salvation by Grace through Faith: That salvation is the free gift of God, neither merited nor secured in part or in whole by any virtue or work of man but received by personal faith in Jesus Christ.
6. The Second Coming of Christ: That His coming in the air to rapture His Church, which is our blessed hope, is imminent.
7. Future Life and Resurrection: We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.
8. Future Life, Bodily Resurrection, and Eternal Judgment; that the spirits of the saved at death go immediately to be with Christ in Heaven, that their works shall be bought before the Judgment Seat of Christ for the determination of reward, which will take place at the time when Christ comes for His own.
9. The Priesthood of All Believers; that Christ is our Great High Priest and through Him every born-again person has direct access into God’s presence without the need for a human mediator.
10. The Lordship of Jesus Christ; that He alone is Head of the Body of Christ, into which all true believers are immediately baptized by the Holy Spirit at the moment of salvation.
11. The Two ordinances given to the local Church are Baptism, the immersion of believers in water, thus portraying the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ; and the Lord’s Supper, the partaking of the bread and cup by the believer as a continuing memorial of the broken body and shed blood of Christ.
History and Facts
St. John Bible Institute (SJBI) was birthed in 2002, from the vision of Pastor Donald R. Ruth. Many in the congregation at St. John, expressed a desire to attend Bible College at some point. However, few were in a position to take on the challenges of attending a traditional Bible College, due to commitments to family, work and ministry. The Lord brought to Pastor Ruth’s attention, International Bible Institute (IBI), and its vision for starting in-church Bible Institutes. IBI’s mission is to charter and support local, in-church Bible Institutes. IBI is located in Sante Fe Spings, CA and has chartered numerous Bible Institutes across America and The Philippines. Pastor Ruth consulted God on the idea of starting a Bible Institute at St. John and meditated on it for nearly two years before receiving confirmation to proceed. In 2012, SJBI obtained a second charter with Networking Institutes for Kingdom Advancement and Outreach (NIKAO). In 2013, SJBI became a member school with the Association of Independent Christian Colleges and Seminaries (AICCS). In 2014, SJBI applied for accreditation with AICCS and after going through an extensive accreditation process with them, SJBI was accepted as a FULLY ACCREDITED school.
SJBI is recognized by the government of the United States of America, as a 501 (c) (3) Religious Organization with all the rights and privileges provided by law.
Many of the books and materials used are provided by IBI. All lessons are structured for busy people who do not have the time for lengthy research papers and the like. Yet the material is so well prepared that your time spent in study will be maximized because of the content and structure of the materials provided by IBI.
SJBI offers a 3-year program with the option for a fourth, fifth, and sixth year. Students completing the 3-year program are awarded Diplomas in Biblical Studies. Students completing the 4th year are awarded Bachelor of Theology degrees. Students completing the 5th year are awarded Master of Theology degrees, and students completing the 6th year are awarded Doctor of Theology degrees. To date, 272 students have completed the 3-year program (Diplomas in Biblical Studies); 185 have completed the 4th year (Bachelor of Theology degree); 108 have completed the 5th year (Master of Theology degree) and 28 have completed the 6th year (Doctor of Theology degree).
Sharing Opportunities
We wish to see each student who enrolls with SJBI achieve his or her full potential in ministry. We are thankful to God for being able to offer such a quality Christian educational program at such an affordable cost. To help us to get the word out about SJBI, we ask that you share this information with family, friends, acquaintances, and Church members. Students who refer others to SJBI, will be given a discount off their next semester’s tuition, if the referral enrolls with us.
Mission & Vision Statements
The mission of the SJBI is to offer a low-cost Christian education venue for its students. We aspire to educate persons of all Christian faiths with the Word of God, thereby equipping them to be more effective in all areas of ministry.
The Bible teaches that “Iron sharpens iron”. Our vision is to see all believers reach the point in their spiritual development where they are able to positively impact the lives of others with the Word of God, demonstrate godly character at all times, and lead new believers into a fruitful walk with the Lord. SJBI is dedicated to this end.
All persons connected with SJBI are believers in Jesus Christ and fully accept the “Statement of Faith” as written. This includes all administrative, faculty, staff, clerical personnel, and board members.
SJBI, as a religious institution, adheres to the tenants and doctrines of the Baptist faith.
SJBI was initially chartered by International Bible Institute, located in Sante Fe, Springs, CA and Networking Institute for Kingdom Advancement and Outreach (NIKAO), located in
Los Angeles, CA. SJBI currently holds membership and accreditation with the Association of Christian Colleges and Seminaries (AICCS), located in St. Charles, MO.
Diploma in Biblical Studies
OT101: The Pentateuch
OT102: Early Israelite History
OT103: The Kingdom Period
OT104: The Post Exilic Period
OT105: Old Testament Literature
OT106: The Major Prophets
OT107: The Minor Prophets
NT201: The Four Gospels
NT202: Acts – II Corinthians
NT203: Galatians – II Timothy
NT204: Titus – Revelation
GD301-1: Great Doctrines Part 1
GD301-2: Great Doctrines Part 2
LC302: The Life of Christ
BP303: Biblical Prophecy
PE304: Personal Evangelism
CH305: Church History
PR307-1: Discovering Your Gifts
PR307-2: The Tabernacle
PR307-3: Spiritual Leadership
PR307-5: Christian Counseling
PR307-6: Creative Bible Teaching
HOM306: Sermon Preparation
GP509: In-Depth Galatians/Philippians
Bachelor of Theology (Th.B)
PR307-7: Ministerial Ethics
PR307-8: The Bible
PR307-9: The Holy Spirit
PR307-10: The Person of Christ
PR307-11: The Person of God
PR307-12: Hermeneutics
PR307-13: Systematic Theology
PR307-14: Eschatology
Master of Theology (Th.M.)
PR307-15: Old Testament Theology
PR307-16: Exposition in Isaiah
PR307-17: Intertestamental Period
PR307-18: New Testament Theology
PR307-19: Practical Theology
PR307-20: Exposition in Matthew
PR307-21: Comparative Religions
PR307-22: Introduction to the Greek Text
Doctor of Theology (Th.D.)
PR307-23: Exposition in Daniel
PR307-24: Exposition in Genesis
PR307-25: Exposition in Revelation
PR307-26: African American Church History
PR307-27: Ministering in “At-Risk” Communities
Dissertation Research Project (DRP)*
Course Policies
Course Schedule
Semester 1
OT101: The Pentateuch
PR307-1: Discovering Your Gifts
Semester 2
LC302: The Life of Christ
OT102: Early Israelite History
OT103: The Kingdom Period
Semester 3
PE304: Personal Evangelism
BP302: Biblical Prophecy
OT104: The Post Exilic Period
Semester 1
OT105: Old Testament Literature
GD301-1: Great Doctrines Part 1
Semester 2
OT106: The Major Prophets
PR307-2: The Tabernacle
GD301-2: Great Doctrines Part 2
Semester 3
NT201: The Four Gospels
OT107: The Minor Prophets
PR307-3: Spiritual Leadership
YEAR 3 COURSES (Diploma in Biblical Studies)
Semester 1
PR307-5: Christian Counseling
NT202: Acts – 1 Corinthians
Semester 2
PR307-6: Creative Bible Teaching
NT203: Galatians – II Timothy
NT204: Titus – Revelation
Semester 3
GP509: Galatians/Philippians
CH305: Church History
HOM305: Sermon Preparation
YEAR 4 COURSES (Bachelor of Theology)
Semester 1
PR307-7: Ministerial Ethics
PR307-8: The Bible
Semester 2
PR307-9: The Holy Spirit
PR307-10: The Person of Christ
PR307-11: The Person of God
Semester 3
PR307-12: Hermeneutics
PR307-13: Systematic Theology
PR307-14: Eschatology
YEAR 5 COURSES (Master of Theology)
Semester 1
PR307-15: Old Testament Theology
PR307-16: Exposition in Isaiah
Semester 2
PR307-17: The Intertestamental Period
PR307-18: New Testament Theology
PR307-19: Practical Theology
Semester 3
PR307-20: Exposition in Matthew
PR307-21: Comparative Religions
PR307-22: Introduction to Greek
YEAR 6 COURSES (Doctor of Theology)
Semester 1
PR307-23: Exposition in Daniel
Begin Dissertation Research Project
Semester 2
PR307-24: Exposition in Genesis
PR307-25: Exposition in revelation
Continue Dissertation Research Project
Semester 3
PR307-26: African American Church History
PR307-27: Ministering in “At-Risk” Communities
Complete Dissertation Research Project
Student Registration
Each student is required to complete a registration form. No additional registration fee is imposed. Registration forms are placed in the student’s file in the SJBI office. Incoming students must have a high school diploma or its equivalent.
Certificates, Diplomas and Degree Requirements
All certificates, diplomas and degrees awarded by the school are identified as religious. The school does not award any secular certificates, diplomas, or degrees. A minimum 2.0 GPA out of a possible 4.00 is required for issuance of all certificates, diplomas, and degrees.
AICCS Disclaimer
Accreditation is quality control, designed for consumer protection. It is a collegial process based on self and peer assessment for improvement of academic quality and public accountability. It provides an external, third-party evaluation of the level of a school's ethical standards, financial integrity, and academic credibility. The accrediting process requires institutions to examine their goals, operations, and achievements, followed by the expert criticism and recommendations of a visiting team of professional examiners, and later by the official vote of the accrediting board.
Association of Independent Christian Colleges and Seminaries (AICCS) is an independent not-for-profit corporation chartered as an accrediting agency for small Bible colleges and specialized Christian schools, institutes and seminaries. It is dedicated to assisting those institutions of Christian higher education in achieving a quality, non-regional accreditation, characterized by academic excellence and ethical practices.
Because of the AICCS Board of Directors' convictions in support of religious freedom, Christian liberty, and the separation of church and state, AICCS has never applied for affiliation with any federal government agency. AICCS, therefore, is not recognized by the United States Department of Education. Credits earned at any AICCS-accredited institution are accepted by all other AICCS schools, but these credits are not automatically transferable to other colleges or seminaries.
Persons whose professional or career goals require certification by a state or federal government agency should check in advance to determine whether a degree from an AICCS-accredited school would be acceptable. Individuals needing to earn a regionally accredited degree in one of the disciplines offered by an AICCS-accredited institution may wish to investigate comparable programs offered at more traditional on-campus colleges currently accredited by a regional association recognized by the United States Department of Education.